03 July 2006

I searched the web for a while to find a WPF HLS Color selector like Interactive Designer is equipped with.

Since I didn’t find anything I thought about creating my own one.

The most difficult task was to convert .NET Rgb Color Values to HLS values (the difference is explained here). In my opinion the HLS color system is superior to the RGB system. After hours of searching I found a VBA sample and ported it to WPF (the code can be found at the bottom of the article).

The next thing to do was to create a new slider for the Hue and a triangle for Lightness and Saturation values.

The Slider

It was easy to create a Color Slider since it is possible to override the default template. I created a gradient from hue 0 over hue 0.1, hue 0.2 … to hue 1.0 and put it into the background. At last I restyled the value selection thumb using Interactive Designer and the result looked like this.

The Triangle

The triangle was a bit more complex than the slider since I had to start from scratch. I created the triangle shape using Paths and Interactive Designer. The I assigned 3 backgrounds with different opacity masks to it.

  1. Background Black From lower left to upper right

Background White From upper left to lower right

Background Colored HLS(CurrentHue, 0.5, 1) from right to left

To show the current selected Lightness and Saturation I added an ellipse.

The next step was to attach MouseDown, MouseUp and MouseMove event Handlers to the triangle. Whenever the mouse is moved over the triangle with the left button pressed the ellipse should follow. To ensure that the ellipse is moved correctly when you leave the triangle with the left button pressed I assigned Mouse.Capture(element, Element) to the element on MouseDown and Mouse.Capture(element, None) on MouseUp.

Last but not least I had to write the code that generates the appropriate color from slider and ellipse position. The complete code can be found here.

The Result

In my opinion it was worth to spent some time to create this control. I hope that more people will begin building their own controls and make them available to the public. My control is not perfect and could be done in other ways. This is article is supposed to show only one possible way.

Rgb <–> Hls Converter Code

Imports System.Windows.Media 

Public Class HlsConverter 

Public Shared Function ConvertFromHls(ByVal value As HlsValue) As Color 

Return ConvertFromHls(value.Hue, value.Lightness, value.Saturation) 

End Function 

Public Shared Function ConvertFromHls(ByVal h As Double, ByVal l As Double, ByVal s As Double) As Color 

Dim p1 As Double 

Dim p2 As Double 

Dim r As Double 

Dim g As Double 

Dim b As Double 

h *= 360 

If l <= 0.5 Then 

p2 = l * (1 + s) 


p2 = l + s - l * s 

End If 

p1 = 2 * l - p2 

If s = 0 Then 

r = l 

g = l 

b = l 


r = QqhToRgb(p1, p2, h + 120) 

g = QqhToRgb(p1, p2, h) 

b = QqhToRgb(p1, p2, h - 120) 

End If 

r *= Byte.MaxValue 

g *= Byte.MaxValue 

b *= Byte.MaxValue 

Return Color.FromRgb(CByte(r), CByte(g), CByte(b)) 

End Function 

Public Shared Function QqhToRgb(ByVal q1 As Double, ByVal q2 As _ 

Double, ByVal hue As Double) As Double 

If hue > 360 Then 

hue = hue - 360 

ElseIf hue < 0 Then 

hue = hue + 360 

End If 

If hue < 60 Then 

QqhToRgb = q1 + (q2 - q1) * hue / 60 

ElseIf hue < 180 Then 

QqhToRgb = q2 

ElseIf hue < 240 Then 

QqhToRgb = q1 + (q2 - q1) * (240 - hue) / 60 


QqhToRgb = q1 

End If 

End Function 

Public Shared Function ConvertToHls(ByVal color As Color) As HlsValue 

Dim max As Double 

Dim min As Double 

Dim diff As Double 

Dim r_dist As Double 

Dim g_dist As Double 

Dim b_dist As Double 

Dim r As Double 

Dim g As Double 

Dim b As Double 

Dim h As Double 

Dim l As Double 

Dim s As Double 

r = color.R / Byte.MaxValue 

g = color.G / Byte.MaxValue 

b = color.B / Byte.MaxValue 

max = R 

If max < G Then max = G 

If max < B Then max = B 

min = R 

If min > G Then min = G 

If min > B Then min = B 

diff = max - min 

L = (max + min) / 2 

If Math.Abs(diff) < 0.00001 Then 

s = 0 

h = 0 


If l <= 0.5 Then 

s = diff / (max + min) 


s = diff / (2 - max - min) 

End If 

r_dist = (max - r) / diff 

g_dist = (max - g) / diff 

b_dist = (max - b) / diff 

If r = max Then 

h = b_dist - g_dist 

ElseIf g = max Then 

h = 2 + r_dist - b_dist 


h = 4 + g_dist - r_dist 

End If 

h = h * 60 

If h < 0 Then h = h + 360 

End If 

h /= 360 

Return New HlsValue(h, l, s) 

End Function 

End Class 

Public Structure HlsValue 

Private mHue As Double 

Private mLightness As Double 

Private mSaturation As Double 

Public Sub New(ByVal h As Double, ByVal l As Double, ByVal s As Double) 

mHue = h 

mLightness = l 

mSaturation = s 

End Sub 

Public Property Hue() As Double 


Return mHue 

End Get 

Set(ByVal value As Double) 

mHue = value 

End Set 

End Property 

Public Property Lightness() As Double 


Return mLightness 

End Get 

Set(ByVal value As Double) 

mLightness = value 

End Set 

End Property 

Public Property Saturation() As Double 


Return mSaturation 

End Get 

Set(ByVal value As Double) 

mSaturation = value 

End Set 

End Property 

Public Shared Operator <>(ByVal left As HlsValue, ByVal right As HlsValue) As Boolean 

Dim bool1 As Boolean 

bool1 = left.Lightness <> right.Lightness Or left.Saturation <> right.Saturation 

If Not bool1 Then 

Return left.Hue <> right.Hue And (left.Hue > 0 And right.Hue < 1) And (left.Hue < 1 And right.Hue > 0) 


Return bool1 

End If 

End Operator 

Public Shared Operator =(ByVal left As HlsValue, ByVal right As HlsValue) As Boolean 

Dim bool1 As Boolean 

bool1 = left.Lightness = right.Lightness And left.Saturation = right.Saturation 

If bool1 Then 

Return Math.Round(left.Hue, 2) = Math.Round(right.Hue, 2) Or (Math.Round(left.Hue, 2) = 1 And Math.Round(right.Hue, 2) = 0) Or (Math.Round(left.Hue, 2) = 0 And Math.Round(right.Hue, 2) = 1) 


Return False 

End If 

End Operator 

Public Overrides Function ToString() As String 

Return String.Format("H: {0:0.00} L: {1:0.00} S: {2:0.00}", Hue, Lightness, Saturation) 

End Function 

End Structure 

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