07 June 2016

To compile User Defined Functions (UDF) with ANSYS you need to install a C++ compiler. ANSYS recommends Visual C++ which is freely available in form of Visual Studio Community.

In this article I will only consider the case of x64 ANSYS.

1. Update udf.bat

Go to C:\Program Files\ANSYS Inc\v162\fluent\ntbin\win64 and back up the file udf.bat. We need to modify this file to add support for Visual C++ 2015. To this end, add below set MSVC_VERSION=0 the following lines

echo trying to find MS C compiler, version 140....

set MSVC_DEFAULT=%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0
if exist "%MSVC_DEFAULT%\VC\vcvarsall.bat" set MSVC=%MSVC_DEFAULT%
if not "%MSVC%" == "" goto msvc_env140

Moreover, add above :msvc_env71 the following lines

call "%MSVC%\VC\vcvarsall.bat" x64
goto ms_c_end

Save the file udf.bat and you are good to go.

2. Compile your UDF

  • Make sure your code, header, mesh and fluent files are contained in a single folder (project folder).
  • Open ANSYS fluent and select the project folder as the current working directory.
  • In ANSYS’ main window select Define -> User Defined Function -> Compile

X. Hint

Make sure in your UDF file’s DEFINE statements are not spaces between brackets.


DEFINE_PROFILE (current_dens,t,i)



Additional spaces may lead to erratic behavior of the makefile script so that defined SOURCES, PROFILES, or DIFFUSIVITIES do not show in Fluent.

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